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S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: novembre, 2018

Concentració: No esteu sols

En suport al PROFESSORAT i ESTUDIANTS represaliats de les UNIVERSITATS, 30 nov a les 11:30, plaça 1 d'octubre. adic SUR

L'acusació contra els membres de la sindicatura electoral

Acte a a Facultat de Dret de la Universitat de Barcelona Dimecres 21 nov, 12:30, Sala de graus Fac Dret, UB

I la facultat de dret els convida a la UB?

Empresonen l'independentisme. Persegueixen la llibertat. Treballen al servei dels bancs. I la facultat de dret els convida a la UB? NI PARLAR-NE!!! Dijous 15 de novembre, a partir de les 14:00, a l'exterior de la facultat de Dret, UB, vine a dir-hi la teva i a solidaritzar-te amb els represaliats.

Acte de suport a Raül Romeva

Acte de suport a Raül Romeva, dijous 15 de novembre de 2018, a les 13:30 a la Sala Teatre UAB, Plaça Cívica de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Stop the repression against university professors

Letter of support – stop the repression against university professors! This letter expresses our indignation over the decision by the Spanish judiciary to prosecute two political scientists and three jurists. The political scientists Jordi Matas (full professor, Universitat de Barcelona), Tània Verge (associate professor, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) and the jurists Marc Marsal (part-time lecturer, Universitat de Barcelona), Josep Pagès (part-time lecturer, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and Marta Alsina (lawyer) were appointed members of the Electoral Commission in September 2017 by the Parliament of Catalonia to monitor the self-determination referendum to be held on October 1, 2017. The Spanish government challenged the legality of this referendum and about ten days before it took place, the Spanish Constitutional Court forced all the electoral commissioners to resign by imposing a fine of 12.000 Euros per person for each day that they remained in their position. Even...

International websites

Catalunya in yellow, do you what it means? We report: denouncing Civil Rights Violations in Catalonia Assemblea Nacional Catalana International What is Omnium cultural? International Commission of european Citizens